Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Frustrated with The Secret until...


My name is Kevin and if you're like me (and just about everyone else) when The Secret came out we got on board the Law of Attraction bandwagon.

Times were tough at work, I was having problems in my personal life and money, oh geeze, it sucked large living paycheck to paycheck which is all I could do to get by. I needed a change in my life and when I saw The Secret - wow, that seemed like it was IT. The answer!

I tried to follow the guru's advice, the guys like Bob Proctor and the others - and to be honest some small things seemed to come around for me and work "as expected". I decided to attract money to myself and kept telling myself, the universe and anyone else that would listen, "I'm going to receive unexpected checks in the mail" every day.

What do you know? My insurance company adjusted my rates for both my house and car and I received 2 checks in the mail for the difference. They weren't much, maybe $45 on the house and $13 on the car - but I GOT (read: attracted) exactly what I asked for - unexpected checks in the mail!

The problem was, the big life changing stuff never happened for me! That seemed to be reserved only for the gurus.

I was frustrated and upset. I tried SO HARD! The Law of Attraction really seemed to be true and logical and it seemed like it was working for some people (even me to a lessor extent) so I truly believe that it works - I just felt like I was missing something.

So like any person I set out to research and figure out why it was working for some and not for me - if I was doing something wrong, I was determined to fix it!

That's when I learned about the 11 subsidiary laws of the law of attraction or The 11 Forgotten Laws!

What?!?! Yeah, that's what I said too - there are other Laws besides the Law of Attraction?

Yes. 11 Forgotten Laws

And here's the kicker - the Law of Attraction is incomplete when it's not applied using the 11 Subsidiary Laws of the Law of Attraction! I soon learned that,

"The 11 Forgotten Laws Make
The Law of Attraction An
Unbreakable Force!"

Laws like:

The Law of Forgiveness... which teaches the mind to transform debt into abundance quickly!

The Law of Increase... which shows you the shortest route to access your higher consciousness to find the answers for all your most pressing questions!

Those that were teaching the Laws of Attraction taught us only one small part of the truth but sadly made it sound like the whole truth! This has unfortunately caused many to turn away as disbelievers of the Law.

Listen to what this person had to say after she learned about The 11 Subsidiary Laws of the Law of Attraction:

There's so much more to the Law than just the Law of Attraction! Once I started Bob Proctor's program and learned what the other laws were and how to apply them I FINALLY started to see some results.

I just received an unexpected bonus at work (I was trying to attract money - aren't we all?)! It doesn't happen instantly, but it does work once you see the whole picture.

You can't build a car with only half the parts, half the tools and half the instructions! Surely you've experienced SOME success with the Law of Attraction or you wouldn't be here reading my blog.

If you're like I was, you're just frustrated that it doesn't work or doesn't work consistently.

Let go of your frustration like I did and learn about the 11 Forgotten Laws now. You won't regret it and you have nothing to lose! Bob Proctor's group offers a full 60 day money back guarantee on anything you choose to buy from them.

If it doesn't work for you - let them know within 60 days and you'll get a FULL refund plus you get to keep any gifts they give you!

If you've had enough and you want to change your life like I and many others have - why not take a chance? You get to review all the materials, apply it for 2 months and decide for yourself. If you don't' like it - you get your money back - end of story!

You deserve success - and to achieve success you need all the right tools. The Law of Attraction is just one tool, you need the others to make it work - get them now:


  1. I was wondering as well why The Secret, was not working in my life! Now I know! Thank you so much for the 11 forgotten laws post. I will try and apply it into my life.

  2. Is not always so simple, I always thought that had to be more then 1 law to attract success in life. Thank you now I now :D

  3. It's been a real eye opener for me, that's for sure. So much to learn! Onward and upward!
